I am a certified Somatic Practitioner working with adults and children who have conflicts around developmental trauma, sexuality, and relational issues. My strengths are my acute sensitivity, and my ability to create a safe and attuned environment for clients to have deep healing and trauma resolution.  I combine somatic skills with an intuitive style, and the use of light touch and movement to help clients self-regulate and stabilize their nervous systems.

I have over 30 years of experience working as an educator, body worker and personal coach. I started out in the field of Early Childhood Development and hold a Montessori credential from the Maria Montessori Teaching Center in San Francisco.

I founded Zest Productions in 1994 and worked as a wedding consultant and planner, helping couples and families navigate the high pressure and stress that come with planning a wedding. Additionally, I had a private practice as a certified Therapeutic Massage Practitioner in 1991 for six years.

I am currently a teaching assistant in Somatic Experiencing trainings in Northern California, Australia and Korea.  I have participated in workshops with Twig Wheeler's Somatic Experiencing Intensive, and Ray Castellino's Womb Surround Process workshops; and have assisted in Attachment Wound Healing: Pre and Perinatal; and the Sexual Embodiment workshop series with Ariel Giarretto and Tom Callahan.  I have an ongoing private practice in Sebastopol, California.







If after reading through this site you have more questions about my approach, please feel free to call me and see how I can support you in taking the next step in your process of healing and growth. 


Please contact me at caylemon@gmail.com